Authentic Agriculture for Sustainable Food Security in the Global Food System
Authentic Agriculture, Global Food System, Sustainable Food SecurityAbstract
This review on Authentic Agriculture for Sustainable Food Security in the Global Food System is presented at the International Conference on Authentic Agriculture for Sustainable Food Security in the Global Food System, organised by the International Centre for Integrated Development Research in collaboration with Copperstone University. Obviously, the issue of food security is a
necessity to life through sustainable agricultural development. The global food system today faces
the significant challenges of feeding more people amid dwindling national resources and agriculture
is the foundation of the global food supply system. However, global food production methods must change to minimize the impact on the environment. For effective and successful effort towards achievement of sustainable agriculture for food security and nutrition, the paper advocates among
others that the investment in agricultural research should receive high priority and there is need for long term strategic plans for research and development as this will have significant impact on productivity growth.
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